Treatment of muscle pain with kinesitherapy

Muscle pain can have many causes. Whatever the reason, however, it is worth knowing how to deal with it, because it accompanies a person at every stage of his development. This is usually related to lifestyle, but there can be many other reasons.

Muscle pain is most often associated with physical exertion, injury or inflammation. Pain can be caused by single or complex (occurring simultaneously) causes such as:

– damage to muscle fibers or connective tissue;
– accompanying swelling;
– inflammation.

The pain is sometimes localized in the muscles, but the source of the pain is outside the muscular system. This often results from deep anatomical structures, from internal organs. Therefore, diagnosing the cause of pain can sometimes be difficult even for a specialist.

There are many ways to eliminate muscle pain and its treatment depends on the cause. In situations where determining the cause is not possible, only symptomatic and analgesic treatment remains.

In some cases, it may be necessary to extend symptomatic treatment and supplement, for example, sodium, magnesium or calcium deficiency.

Sometimes well-chosen kinesitherapy can help reduce pain.

For example, if the pain is caused by over-tense muscles, gentle stretching and postisometric relaxation can be applied. Sometimes this pain is mainly related to the human psyche and unnecessary stress. In this case, autogenic Schultz training or Jacobson relaxation exercises are recommended.

Corrective exercises can also help reduce pain, as muscle tension may be associated with the body’s compensation for various types of posture defects. Therefore, left-sided scoliosis can cause pain in the flexed muscles on the right side of the spine and even radiating pain.

The use of specific techniques (stroking, rubbing, squeezing, tapping or vibrating) in an appropriate sequence reduces muscle tension and relaxes the patient. Relaxing massages and hot stone massages are especially popular.

In order for a muscle to perform its functions, it is important that its individual fibers can move relative to each other. As a result, deep tissue massage by pressing at an appropriate angle, knowledge of the muscles and tendons and the sequence of movements increases the mobility of the muscles relative to the fascia and thus reduces pain.